Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Jumat, 07 September 2012

Beasiswa PT.BJTI

Info Beasiswa : 
PT. BJTI (Terminal Jasa Terminal Indonesia) pada Tahun 2012, bermaksud memberikan beasiswa kepada Mahasiswa ITS dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Mahasiswa D3 / S1 Reguler
2. Bagi D3 Min Semester 3 dan Max semester 5, sedangkan untuk S1 min semester 3
    dan    Max semester 7
3. IPK > 3.00 di lampiri transkrip
4. Dari Keluarga tidak mampu (dilampiri Surat Keterangan dari Kelurahan atau slip gaji
    Orang Tua)
5.  Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak manapun
6. Memperoleh rekomendasi dari Ketua Jurusan
7. Mengisi Pendaftaran Online di Website Kemahasiswaan https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFBlc25uSWNVOHZEWmplbEJ1a2xUQ1E6MQ
Berkas paling lambat diterima di Bagian Kemahasiswaan paling lambat 14 September 2012.
Atas perhatiannya diucapkan terimakasih

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Hitachi Scholarships Foundation

Hitachi Scholarships Foundation
Hitachi Scholarships Foundation offers big chances for ITS’s faculty members who are interested to study or do research in Japan.
There are three programs offered by Hitachi Scholarships Foundation, they are:
This program is offered to the university staffs who wish to study at Japanese graduate schools for Master’s or Doctoral Course in the area of science and technology and intend to contribute to their university for promotion of higher education after completion of study in Japan.
Eligibility for the program is limited to faculty members up to the age of 30 for masters degree candidates or 35 for Ph. D. degree candidates in the fields of science and technology and each applicant must be recommended by a senior staff at their home university as a potential candidate for international research collaboration after graduation.
For further information about this program please click at  http://www.hitachi-zaidan.com/global/scholarship/activities/active01.html
This program intends to encourage the university staffs having keen interest in conducting post-doctoral research in the area of science and technology to enhance their professional backgrounds and promote academic collaboration through building mutual human network with Japanese universities and/or institution.
Eligibility for the program is limited to faculty members up to the age of 45 who hold a doctoral degree in the fields of science and technology and who have been recommended by a senior staff at their university.
For further information about this program please click at http://www.hitachi-zaidan.com/global/scholarship/activities/active02.html
This program started in 1989 under the auspices of late Mr. K. Komai, the first Chairman of the Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, to encourage interactions between Southeast Asian countries and Japan. The program, therefore, intends to encourage the university staffs having keen interest in conducting study and research to enhance their academic and professional backgrounds in the area of social and cultural science related to Japan.
Eligibility for the program is limited to faculty members specializing in social science or humanities at Southeast Asian universities who wish to conduct individual or joint research with their Japanese counterparts, on topics either wholly or substantially related to Japan, may apply for the program.
For further information about this program please click http://www.hitachi-zaidan.com/global/scholarship/activities/active03.html
The applicant should submit the application before October 31, 2012.            

For women: FACULTY FOR THE FUTURE Fellowship

The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program awards fellowship to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences(related disciplines may also be awarded), engineering and technology at leading universities abroad.
The goal of this program is to generate conditions that result in more women pursuing academic careers in scientific disciplines thus contributing to the socio-economic development of their home countries and regions. Additionally, faculty member are expected to return to their home countries to continue their careers and become inspirational role models for other young women.
The cost given is maximum of USD 50.000 per year and maybe renewed through to completion of studies subject, to performance, self-evaluation, and recommendations from supervisors.
The candidates who are going to apply should/must :
-          have applied, have been admitted to, or be currently enrolled in developed country university when submitting their Faculty for the Future grant application.
-          hold an excellent academic record and be able to evidence their commitment to teaching, research or using science in public policy advocacy.
-          demonstrate leadership skills and have a track  record in encouraging young women into the sciences.
Important dates:
NEW applications : September 10th to November 16th 2012
RENEWAL applications: September 10th to November 9th 2012
For more information, please read at http://www.facultyforthefuture.net/

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Beasiswa Bagi Keluarga Kurang mampu kota Bondowoso

1. Mahasiswa adalah Penduduk Kabupaten Bondowoso
2. Berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu
3. Memiliki prestasi di bidang akademik
4. Sedang aktif sebagai mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
5. Pada saat ditetapkan sebagai mahasisiswa dari pemerintah Kabupaten Bondowoso tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain.
Mengajukan Surat Permohonan bantuan beasiswa kepada Bupati Bondowoso melalui Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jalan Santawi No. 96 Bonowoso, paling lambat tanggal 22 September 2012 (stempel pos) dengan melampirkan :
1. Surat Pernyataan penggunaan bantuan beasiswa (asli bermaterai Rp. 6.000,-)
2. Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari kelurahan/Desa setempat dan foto copy keluarga Keluarga Miskin (GAKIN)
3. Surat Keterangan masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa aktif dari Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan.
4. Foto Copy Kartu Tanda Penduduk
5. Foto Copy Mahasiswa yang masih berlaku.
6. Foto Copy Kartu Hasil Studi bagi mahasiswa semester III, V, VII dan IX
Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada mahasiswa tidak mampu dan berprestasi di perguruan tinggi negeri
Besar beasiswa bantuan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa tidak mampu setiap mahasiswa Rp. 3.000.000/ semester
Penerimaan Beasiswa diatur sebagai berikut :
1. Beasiswa diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang berada di semester I, II, V, VII dan IX
2. Beasiswa diberikan atas usulan perorangan
3. Beasiswa diberikan hanyapada semester ganjil
4. Beasiswa diberikan tidak secara otomatis setiap semester ganjil, tetapi dalam pengajuan semester berikutnya harus menunjukkan prestasi akademik yang lebih baik

Info Mahasiswa Asuh 2012 dari Dinas Sosisal