Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Student Exchange 2012 - 2013 di Tohuku University

1. Junior Year Program in English (JYPE)utk mhs S1:
online application di https://cefix.insc.tohuku.ac.jp/
2. Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS)utk mhs S2 & S3:
online application di https://www.cefix.insc.tohuku.ac.jp/ASEP/COLABS/index.html

Student exchange ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi Mahasiswa Teknik.
Mohon untuk membaca program dan apply prosedur di http://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/cms/index-e.cgi

Pengiriman berkas lamaran harap dikumpulkan di IO sebelum bulan Maret 2012.

Source : Milis IO ITS

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Beasiswa s2 di karlsruhe institute of technology jerman

At a glance: The KIT’s Master’s Programme in Regional Science / Spatial Planning

  • Duration: 2 years (4 terms)
  • Start of studies: each year in October
  • Degree awarded: Master of Science (MSc)
  • Teaching language: German
  • University places in this programme: 15

Who can apply?

Postgraduates with an above-average Bachlor's or licenciate degree in a relevant area of expertise: spatial planning, geography, urban planning, rural economics, forestry etc. whho have gained work experience in the above-mentioned fields.

Which application documents do I have to submit?

To apply for admission to the Master's Course in Regional Science / Spatial Planning, please submite the following documents:
  • A signed hardcopy of the KIT‘s online application form
  • Certified copies of your high school and university degrees including certified translations unless they are  written in German, English or French
  • A topical curriculum vitae (CV) detailing your work experiences
  • A strong letter of motivation (1-2 pages) explaining amongst others your career goals in the field of regional science and spatial planning and dealing with the international reference provided by  the KIT’s international Master’s Course in Regional Science / Spatial Planning.
  • A certificate on your German language expertise proving skills equalling the level  “A2“ according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • A hardcopy of your final thesis, if available.
Applicants from EU member states are asked to send their application by September 30th to the KIT's Studienbüro. Applicants from non-EU member states have to send their application by July 15th to the KIT's Academic Office.

Tuition fees

The KIT’s tuition fees currently amount to 500,- € per semester.  In addition, the student union charges a fee of currently 102.70 € per semester for its services.


A list of scholarship donors is e.g. available at www.stipendientlotse.de or in the DAAD’s scholarship database.
Applicants from developing countries may apply for a special DAAD scholarship offered for the Master’s Course in Regional Science / Spatial Planning. For more details, please visit the DAAD‘s
website at
You can download the application form here LINK Please note that the application deadline for this kind of DAAD scholarship is one year before the actual start of studies! Learn more about the exact application deadline for your home country in the DAAD’s country-specific information.
Once a year,  IfR and DAAD decide on the attribution of scholarships. Your can increase your chances to obtain a scholarship if you fulfill the following requirements: 
  • an above-average Bachelor’s or licenciate degree obtained after at least 3 years of university studies in a relevant subject area (spatial planning, geography, urban planning, rural economics, forestry etc)
  • A strong letter of motivation (1-2 pages) explaining amongst others your career goals in the field of regional science and spatial planning and dealing with the international reference provided by  the KIT’s Master’s Course in Regional Science / Spatial Planning.
  • Professional experience in the field of regional science / spatial planning or related subject  areas (proved by job references and referees)
  • An official certificate on your German Language Expertise proving skills equalling the level  “A2“ or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Please send your complete application documents for the DAAD scholarship directly to the Institute of Regional Science:
Institut für Regionalwissenschaft
Studienberatung Dr. Andreas Megerle
Reinhard-Baumeister-Platz 1
Gebäude 10.50
D-76131 Karlsruhe 

Lerning German at the KIT

If you  want to improve your knowledge of the German language before entering the Master’s Course in Regional Science / Spatial Planning, you may register for an intensive German Course with  the KIT’s  Studienkolleg. According to your previous knowledge, the Studienkolleg offers different German Courses for a fee of currently 350,--€ per semester.


Get in touch with the IfR and join us at facebook!
IfR Course Guidance
IfR bei Facebook
If you still have questions, please feel free to contact the IfR course guidance:

Source : Milis TL ITS

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Environmental Specialist, Mitra Lingkungan Duta Consult


PT Mitra Lingkungan Dutaconsult is DHV BV Group of Company, a leading European Consultant & Engineering Firm. Currently we seeking a talented and energic personnel as Environmental Specialist to become part of our team.

Environmental Specialist

  • Male/Female Min. 8 years working experience in environmental field;
  • Min. Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering or related field; 
  • Overall Professionalism, Integrity, Enthusiasm & Commitment; 
  • Good problem-solving skills; ability to apply good judgment in the context of assignments given; 
  • Able to work independently as well as a team and high analytical skill; 
  • Able to plan own work and meet tight deadlines; 
  • Able to work efficiently with minimal direction; 
  • Good attitude; and having good communication & interpersonal skills; 
  • Fluency in English is required both spoken and written; 
  • Self disciplined with strong work ethic; 
  • Willing to make travel and moderate duration on assignment. 
  • Own a certified certificate for the areas of expertise (e.g. IATPI, etc);
  • Experienced in preparing Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL Documents).
Please send your complete resume in English with stamped/digital signature including photo together with completed contact details (name, phone number, & emails), in MS. Word or PDF format. Please DO NOT use Quick Apply. Apply only if you possess the requirements and address to:
Email : nuga.natasya@dhv.com
please indicate the position name in subject email : ENV_your name

Source : Milis TL ITS

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

2012 SCHOLARSHIP For Next LEADER. Beasiswa IKA ITS bagi Akvitis Organisasi Mahasiswa ITS

2012 SCHOLARSHIP For Next LEADER. Beasiswa IKA ITS bagi Akvitis Organisasi Mahasiswa ITS


Presiden Sukarno dalam pidato yang terkenal "beri saya 100 orang pemuda terbaik, dan saya akan rubah dunia". Ini menunjukkan begitu pentingnya peran seorang pemuda. Revoluasi 66 dimulai oleh gerakan yang dimotori kalangan mahassiwa, peristiwa malari 1974 yang menolak modal asing yang mengakibatkan kekayaan dan manfaat sumber daya alam dinikmati oleh asing dimotori kalangan mahasiswa. Peristiwa reformasi 1998 yang menumbangkan kekuasaan Orde Baru dimotori oleh kalangan mahasiswa. Jika melihat curiculum vitae aktivitas dan tokoh nasional, terlihat jelas gemblengan kepemimpinan dimulai semenjak tokoh tersebut aktif diberbagai organisasi kemahasiswaan. Begitupula para aktivis IKA ITS didominasi oleh alumni yang semasa kuliah aktif diberbagai organisasi mahasiswa (intra dan ektra kampus).

Berpijak dari relita diatas, dilandasi oleh kebutuhan regenerasi aktivitas IKA ITS dimasa mendatang dan turut memberikan dukungan bagi bersemainya jiwa-jiwa kepemimpinan mahasiswa ITS, PP IKA ITS semenjak tahun 2008 memberikan beasiswa khusus aktivitas organisasi kemahasiswaan ITS, berupa pembayaran SPP selama 1 tahun. Idiom dikalangan aktivitas kemahasiswaan yang memiliki IP kurang bagus, telah dipatahkan melalui beasiswa aktivitas organisasi mahasiswa ITS. Persyaratan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa aktivis organisasi kemahasiswaan ini setara dengan beasiswa pada umumnya, yaitu mensyaratkan IP yang cukup tinggi diatas 3,0. Ini sebagai upaya mewujudkan calon pemimpin masa depan yang tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan leadership yang mumpuni, namun juga memiliki kemampuan teknis/keilmuan yang memadai.

Pengurus Pusat IKA ITS periode 2011-2105 kembali meluncurkan beasiswa untuk aktivis dengan nama "2012 Scholarship For Next LEADER, Beasiswa IKA ITS bagi aktivis organisasi mahasiswa ITS". Menurut Wasekjen Bidang Hubungan Kampus dan Kemahasiswaan Ir Hamdani Batasyam beasiswa ini telah menjadi ciri khas bagi upaya IKA ITS mendukung terciptanya pemimpin masa depan yang memiliki integritas, dan kemampuan keilmuwan yang mumpuni. Semenjak diluncurkan tahun 2008 telah diberikan beasiswa bagi 200 aktivis organisasi mahasiswa ITS. Penggembengan jiwa kepemimpinan, manajerial dan team working secara tidak langsung dilakukan PP IKA ITS bagi penerima beasiswa  aktivitas organisasi mahasiswa ITS ini dengan melibatkan mereka pada kegiatan-kegiatan IKA ITS yang dilaksanakan dikampus, antara lain : pendataan wisudawan, diskusi/sharing 2 jam bersama alumni, persiapan ProLead dan lainnya. Sehingga semenjak menjadi aktivis organisasi mahasiswa sudah berinteraksi langsung dengang kegiatan dan pengurus IKA ITS. Dari data seleksi pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya peminat beasiswa ini sangat banyak, artinya aktivis mahasiswa di ITS saat ini adalah orang "pinter-pinter" dan tinggal bagaimana ITS dan IKA ITS dapat memfasilitasinya untuk meraih prestasi yang lebih baik dari sisi akademis dan non akademis.

Kriteria aktivis mahasiswa yang ingin mendapatkan beasiswa ini adalah :
1. Aktivis organisasi mahasiwa ITS, yang telah mendapatkan pengesahan kepengurusan organisasi sesuai SK Rektor ITS dan telah menjabat sebagai pengurus organisasi mahasiswa ITS minimal 3 bulan kepengurusan.
2. IPK minimal 3 sampai semester terakhir.
3. Memiliki prestasi atau bakat lain selai kemampuan akademis.
4. Diutamakan berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu.
5. Bersedia mengikuti wawancara dengan IKA ITS dan ITS jika diperlukan.
5. Mengisi form aplikasi beasiswa IKA ITS 2012 yang dapat didownload di www.its.ac.id atau www.alumniits.co. Batas akhir pendaftaran beasiswa IKA ITS 2012 dalam bentuk penyerahan berkas (hardocpy) ditujukan kepada Bpk. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sampurno (Ketua Departemen Hubungan Kampus PP IKA ITS 2011-2015) di Gedung BAAK, Bagian Kemahasiswaan paling lambat tanggal 6 Januari 2012 jam 15.00 wib.

Informasi lebih detail mengenai program beasiswa aktivis kemahasiswaan ini dapat dilihat pada poster yang ditempel di kampus ITS atau di download di www.alumniits.com (fitur DOWNLOAD).

Bagi yang berminat dan membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjtu dapat menghubungi Bpk. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sampurno (HP 081216840619,email : bsampurno@me.its.ac.id) atau Bpk. Machsus Fawzi (HP 08123215364 email :machsus@ce.its.ac.id)

Source : Milis TL ITS