Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012


Pendaftaran Online BPPS 2012 Dikti Sudah Buka Hari Ini (tgl 18/03-31/05 2012)


Pendaftaran dibuka : 18 maret - 31 mei 2012

BPPS adalah program beasiswa pendidikan jenjang Pascasarjana dari Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti) untuk para dosen. Persyaratan Pelamar BPPS tercantum dalam brosur BPPS 2012 yang dikeluarkan Dikti, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Klik disini untuk mendownload brosur BPPS 2012

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) pada tahun 2012 memberikan Beasiswa Pendidikan Pascasarjana (BPPS) bagi 6.000 orang dosen tetap PTN maupun PTS di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, yang terdiri dari 3.000 orang untuk Program Magister (S2) dan 3.000 orang untuk Program Doktor (S3). Kebijakan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi tahun ini meniadakan pembagian kuota PPs penyelenggara maupun kuota PT/Kopertis pengirim.

Daftar Perguruan Tinggi Penyelenggara BPPS 2012 (terdiri dari 46 PTN dan 12 PTS) dan Komponen Beasiswa BPPS Program S2 dan S3 silakan baca di Brosur BPPS 2012 di atas.

Silakan mendaftar di PPS Penyelenggara untuk mengikuti testing masuk dan JANGAN LUPA mendaftar secara online dihttp://beasiswa.dikti.go.id/bpps
silakan hubungi PPs Penyelenggara BPPS yang diminati (namanya sudah ada di brosur BPPS 2012)

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai BPPS dapat diperoleh di http://beasiswa.dikti.go.id/bpps

  1. Surat Edaran Direktur Diktendik no. 541/E4.4/2012 untuk Pimpinan PTN/Koordinator Kopertis http://www.dikti.go.id/ketenagaan/BPPS%20untuk%20rektor.pdf 
  2. Surat Edaran Direktur Diktendik no. 542/E4.4/2012 untuk para Penyelenggara BPPS 2012 http://www.dikti.go.id/ketenagaan/BPPS%20untuk%20direktur.pdf

Source : Milis TL ITS

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Master 2 Scholarship for foreign students - Fondation Rennes 1

Call for Application
Master 2 Scholarship for foreign students -
Fondation Rennes 1

Foreign students, you would like to have a student experience in France for your Master 2 research ? The University of Rennes 1 would be pleased to welcome you on its campuses !

The Foundation Rennes 1 « Progress, Innovation, Entrepreneurship » which purposes are to support excellence research and an international opening, is starting a call for application for
foreign students likely to spend a year studying in the University of Rennes 1 for a Master 2 research.

All 29 masters research of the University of Rennes 1 are concerned by this call in different fields:
- biology and environment
- health
- physics, chemistry, mechanics
- mathematics, computer science, electronics
- law, economics, management, philosophy

Support of the Foundation Rennes 1 is financial :
- 4 000€ as a mobility allowance
- 1 000€ at most as a travel allowance (economic class and 2nd class, with justifications)

The application file :
It consists of :
- the personal information request form filled
- a detailled curriculum vitae
- a copy of the grades since starting university and the ranking for each year
- a copy of the last diploma obtained
- a copy of your last university registration
- if possible a recommandation letter from the chairman of your last studies
- the email addresses of at least 2 reference persons
- a letter from the chairman of the Master that will host you
- a cover letter should explain your professional project.

The application must be sent :
By mail :
Fondation Rennes 1
Présidence de lʼuniversité de Rennes 1
2 rue du Thabor - CS 46510
35065 RENNES Cedex

by email : fondation@univ-rennes1.fr
Call for application closes on April 6th 2012

Attention : The file should be transmitted to the bureau of Fondation Rennes 1 as well as a registration filled to the University of Rennes 1. We also encourage you to contact Campus France to start your registration as soon as possible
Source : Milis Group HMTL

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Vacancy Environmental Specialist

Tanoto Foundation(www.tanotofoundation.org) is a not-for-profit foundation which strives to be acenter of excellence for facilitating and improving access to quality educationand to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement programs,research support, to small business development.

Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for Environmental Specialist. Kindly read details below.

Technical Project Officer (TPO), Environmental Specialist
The primary responsibility of this position is to ensure the content and trainings, and achievements of results and impact of environmental aspects of all programs. S/He will act as the primary implementer of environment-related activities of Tanoto Foundation programs in Riau/ Sumatera Utara/ Jambi. The incumbent is responsible for providing program design, monitoring and evaluation and impact measurement as well as implementation plans and milestones, to ensure consistency with approved strategies within the entire Tanoto Foundation Program.

  • Conduct baseline/ Knowledge Attitude & Practices Survey (KAP Survey) and compile data or information from various sources regarding community, teacher and government department capacities and available resources for environmental awareness and improvement promotion. Ensure the proper socialization of project activities.
  • Ensure program planning and implementation is according to the set strategic plan, logical framework (log frame) and work plan, and is appropriate for all project sites.
  • Support the development and implementation of training materials relevant for projects and conduct all required trainings in the field.
  • Together with the Program Managers (PM) and M&E Coordinator, design a monitoring tool, based on the log frame and indicators, to ensure that an appropriate monitoring system is in place, and is being implemented by the Regional Project Officers (RPOs).
  • Coordinate with the PM and Regional Project Manager (RPM) to ensure the targets of the projects within the designated timeframe.
  • Advocate with and coordinate closely with governments particularly environment and education departments, and school staff to encourage better environmental awareness and environmentally friendly practices in communities.
  • Provide monthly reports to the RPM on the progress made and potential problems.
  • Facilitate, control and support any consultants of the projects in the field.
  • Ensure the financial administration of the field projects meet the standards of the Tanoto Foundation system.
  • Conduct any other duties that may reasonably be assigned inline with the position.

  • Bachelors degree in Environment, Education or any relevant background.
  • At least 3 years experience as trainer/facilitator of environmentally friendly promotion activities and education of environment in schools.
  • Good communications skills, including negotiation skills.
  • Good interpersonal skills, including patience, diplomacy, willingness to listen and respect for beneficiaries.
  • Willing to spend a considerable amount of time in the field.
  • Honest, responsible, self motivated and able to take initiative under minimum supervision.
  • Able to give helpful directions, detailed instructions and demonstrations.
  • Demonstrate ability to work as part of a team in a cross cultural environment.
  • Able to negotiate and to clarify expectations of both the beneficiaries and team.

Based in North Sumatra, with up to 75% traveling within the provinces of Riau, Jambi and North Sumatra to the project sites

Should you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to: dhitaeka_priyanti@rgei.com

Thank you

Source: Milis TL ITS

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Lowongan di Pertamina

Seandainya berminat, peluang bagus untuk di coba:
PERTAMINA Online Recruitment is Open!! www.pertamina.com/recruit

Untuk S1 open for:
  • Hukum, Ekonomi/Management, Psikologi, IT/Computer, Teknik, Komunikasi/Sospol, Mipa/Sains.

Dan untuk D3 open for:
  • Ekonomi/Management, Mipa/Sains, Teknik.

Pendaftaran Online Berlaku sampai tgl : 15-3-2012

Source : Milis TL ITS

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

BEASISWA ASTRA 1st by PT Astra International Tbk

a. Beasiswa 5 juta/semester
b. Program pengembangan kepribadiaan
c. Kesempatan belajar (Kerja Praktek atau Magang) di Astra Group (158 anak perusahaan)
d. Kesempatan mendapatkan dana project sebesar 5 juta/orang

Persyaratan :
a. Mahasiswa semester 3-7 semua jurusan
b. IPK min. 3.0
c. Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
d. Tidak sedang menerima beassiwa dari perusahaan atau institusi manapun

CP : lorentius.saputra@ai.astra.co.id

Formulir dikirim paling lambat 9 April 2012 ke astra1st@ai.astra.co.id

Formulir dapat diunduh di


Source : Milis TL ITS

Ajinomoto Indonesia Postgraduate Scholarship, University of Tokyo, Japan

Apply for a post graduate scholarship to University Of Tokyo. If you.....
  • Are highly interested to pursue an overseas master degree in the field of science and technology: Engineering, Pharmaceutical, Mathematical, Agriculture, IT Sciences (except Medicine & Veterinary Medicine) with minimum GPA 3.50.
  • Posses an excellent academic performance and has strong sense of Indonesia nationalism and leadership.
  • Completed at least 16 years of formal education (inclusive elementary, junior/senior high school and College) or shall be graduating from College by March 2012.
  • Will not be more than 35 years of age by 1 April 2013 and will not be receiving other scholarship.
  • Must be in good physical and mental health and have a strong motivation for learning.
  • Have the strong desire to learn the Japanese Language & Culture since its proficiency level shall be used as a pre-requisite to majority of the courses for graduate school acceptance.
  • Pass the screening and selection process in Ajinomoto Indonesia.
  • Pass the required grade needed for exams such as Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL), Graduate Records Examination (GRE) and Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
Then you could be the recipient of .....
  • JPY 150,000/monthly allowance (maximum for 1 year) for a research graduate school student.
  • JPY 180,000/monthly allowance (maximum for 2 years) for a master's course graduate school student.
  • JPY 200,000 airfare coverage (to and from Japan).
  • Full coverage of Examination, Admission and Tuition fees.
Types of Ajinomoto Scholarship:
  • Master's Student Program: a. Must be able to pass level 3 (basic level) of Japanese Language Proficiency test. b. Entire program should be finished within two years. c. Should able to submit required documentation to the University of Tokyo for the chosen field of study.
  • Research Student Program + Master's Student Program: a. Must be able to pass level 3 (basic level) of Japanese Language Proficiency test.  b. Entire program should be finished by three years.
  • Place your accomplished application form in the following documents in a envelope: (3) Passport size photos, taken within 6 months, Certified true copy of Transcript of Records, Certified true copy of University/College Diploma, (2) Accomplished Recommendation Form from either University President, Dean or Academic Adviser, Documents to be submit: Application Form, Recommendation Form, Field & Study Program Form.
Send all documents to:
Jln. Laksda Yos Sudarso 77-78, Sunter
Jakarta 14350
Attn: CSR Committee
Phone: 021-65304455 Fax: 021-65308119

Not later than March 16th, 2012
(Only short listed eligible candidates will be invited for interview in Jakarta)
Note: Documents submitted will not be returned under any circumstances.
Application Forms, Recommendation Forms, Guideline etc. will be sent by email, please send formal written request to: csr@ajinomoto.co.id   

On the right above of the envelope please write: Tokyo University Application

Source : Website Ajinomoto

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia

Mungkin ada yang berminat kuliah di New Zealand, dapat membuka link dibawah.


Source : Milis TL ITS

Lowongan di PDAM

Mohon disampaikan kepada rekan rekan
untuk Lowongan Pekerjaan  konsultan individual
1. Sanitation Program
2. PDAM Financial reform
3.Municipal Financial
4.Gender and Social
5.Civil engineering
Dibutuhkan teruama min S1 Teknik Lingkungan minimal pengalaman 10 tahun
Atau S1 yang menguasai Sanitasi program dan Water Supply untuk PDAM
Silahkan mengirimkan CV dalam Bahasa Inggris ke dhv.indonesia@yahoo.com
Terima kasih
Source : Milis TL ITS

Beasiswa Pemerintah Rusia

Berikut kami sampaikan penawaran Beasiswa Pemerintah Rusia untuk tahun
ajaran 2012/2013 untuk Program S1, S2, & S3.

Pendaftaran lamaran dibuka pada tanggal 6 Februari s.d 18  Maret 2012.

informasi lebih lanjut dapat di unduh di situs :

Source : Milis IO ITS

King's College London

Berikut kami sampaikan Informasi :
King's College London Summer School 2 July - 10 Agustus 2012.

Pendaftaran paling lambat diterima 31 May 2012.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat mengakses :

Source : Milis IO ITS

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Panasonic Scholarship for Year 2013

Following the Panasonic Scholarship Program year 2011, this year Panasonic Scholarship Co. Ltd., Panasonic Corporation, in cooperation with Panasonic Group of Companies in Indonesia are very excited to offer the Panasonic Scholarship for Year 2013.
We are happy to announce that, the Panasonic Scholarship Program is now open to the graduate students from Natural Science & Mathematics, Engineering, Bio-Technology [Agricultural], and Information Technology.
For a privately graduate students from Indonesia who applied the program in Indonesia and selected as nominated, Panasonic Scholarship shall provide award totally up to 8 Million Yen per-person for 3 years Master course at a University in Japan.
Panasonic Corporation Japan in commemoration of its 80th anniversary in 1998 launched the Panasonic Scholarship Program for Asian countries to support Asian young students in pursuing a master’s course in Japan. In the line with those activities, as the contribution of Panasonic Group of Companies in Indonesia to the community, the Panasonic Scholarship Program in Indonesia was launched since year 1999. Panasonic Scholarship is the program to enhance the educational opportunities to students in Indonesia, especially for young students who demonstrate their academic excellence and leadership. The study in Japan will enrich their knowledge and expose them to a different culture, which they can share for improving the friendship and relationship between Japan and Indonesia.
Each year, the Panasonic Scholarship Indonesia selects 3 best students to be Panasonic Scholarship Nominees from across the country.

Now we open registration to all graduate students from all over Indonesia to apply for the Panasonic Scholarship Program for Year 2013.

Please click here  to apply Panasonic Scholarship

for more information open http://www.panasonicscholarship.com/

source : web panasonic scholarship

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Waseco Tirta Consultant vacancy

Dibutuhkan secepatnya di Waseco Tirta Consultant Jakarta untuk posisi  :
1. Tenaga Ahli
    Jurusan T.Sipil (1 orang), T.Lingkungan (1 orang), T. Mesin yang mengetahui ttg perpompaan
    (1 Orang)
    Pengalaman min. 6 tahun

2. Asisten
    Jurusan T.Sipil (1 orang), T. Mesin yang mengetahui ttg perpompaan (1 Orang)
    Pengalaman min. 1 tahun / fresh graduate

Bagi yang berminat kirim cv lengkap beserta sertifikat2, ktp, npwp (bila ada), dll. ke Bapak Ghufron via email : moch_ghufron@yahoo.com atau mochghufron@yahoo.co.id
Source : Milis TL ITS