Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Vacancy PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals

Gosowong Gold Mine
Expression of Interest
Fresh Graduate Program
PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals is a gold mining and exploration company, operating a COW on Halmahera Island, North Maluku.  The company is a joint venture between Newcrest Mining Limited (82.5%) and PT Aneka Tambang (17.5%).
The Company is intending to seek 4 fresh graduates from all universities in Indonesia, focusing on:
1.     Environmental Science (ES)
2.     Geology (Geo)
3.     Mining Engineer (ME)
4.     Metallurgy (Met)
·         GPA (IPK) is above 3,00
·         Must be graduated in 2010 or 2011
·         Successfully pass the series of test (including psychological test).
·         Must have good English and computer skills
·         Committed to implement the 5 (five) Principles of the Newcrest Values i.e. “Work Together, Care about People, Honesty and Integrity, Innovation & Problem Solving, High Performance”
Closing date is 14 November 2011.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Please send the application and resume with the code reference to:
PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals - HR Department
e-mail: recruitment@nhm.co.id

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